This fall we have lots of family photo sessions happening all over Bakersfield and the Kern County area. I can’t wait to see all our friends soon and meet new ones! Come take some family pictures September - November this year.
Lots of laughter, lots of fun - 2022 fall family sessions are available from September to November. Open to your schedule, you pick the date and I’ll schedule you for the last hour and a half of the day so we catch the beautiful golden light. There are 4 openings in September, 8 in October, and 6 in November.
Mention this post when booking & you’ll get a complimentary 8'' x 10" print! Offer Code: AJP2022
Tips for making your session go as smooth as apple butter (from a photographer with a family of her own):
Mom - pick your outfit first and then base everyone else’s wardrobe around you - it’s easier for everyone to match to you than it is for you to match everyone else.
Everyone say, “Early dinner!” Parents be sure to feed yourselves and the kids before the session - no one wants to take pictures when they are hangry.
Check out this maternity photoshoot I did a few weeks ago…

Filed Under: Bakersfield Photography, Photo Studio Bakersfield, Family Pictures, Bakersfield Photographer, Andrea Jordan Photography